Sunday, March 25, 2018

It is time to Tune back in, Philadelphia

Welcome back my dearest and most longsufferingest Phillies fan.   It's been some time since we've spoken, and we're sorry about that (really we are), but the Phillies have really sucked up until now and while we understand the cyclical nature of pro sports, we are working people and don't have the time or energy to spend, beyond a cursory interest, in a team mucking through its "down cycle".

Don't be mad, the Eagles won the Superbowl.  With a back-up quarterback.  Against the greatest coach with the greatest quarterback of all time.  And Philly won.

The Sixers are competitive and fun again with Ben Simmons and Big Joel Embiid

This could be a golden era for Philadelphia Sports is all we're saying, and the Fightin's are actually worth watching again my most crankypants of all crankyfandoms.

(Also, we gotta quit lettin' that handful of that handful of idiots make us look so bad, I heard about that stupid s@# all the way down here in New Orleans. C'mon MAN!)

Rejoice, for the Phillies are young and talented and should contend, though probably not win, a wildcard berth.  While it is true that we here at the Phorum would have preferred MacPhail nabbing his long time assistant Kim Ng as GM; Matt Klentak has done a really nice job.

In addition to the new uber-nouveau stathead baseball hippie manager Gabe Kapler (#BeBold, go ahead you crazy sob you crazy so-n-so) , there's a particular "style" to this team.  Where Reuben preferred athletic ability, and size, the new regime seems to prefer "baseball" players.  Simply, Klentak has added or graduated players who may not necessarily look the part, but who run deep counts and play defense.

Who the hell knows if any of this stuff is gonna work.  Honestly, dearest darkest dopest fan in all of fandom, no one really knows anything in baseball, it's all conjecturing, and adjusting and hoping and good health right?  Except when a team is tanking, ahem, excuse me, going through it's "down cycle".  This doesn't feel like tanking, beloved baseball junkie and that's refreshingly different.

Got four or five young position players just kicking off their careers, and management had a ridiculously lucky off-season, so there's reason to tune in.  Most likely the middle inning men and back end of the rotation are going to cost this year's team too many wins to sneak into a wild card spot, but, hey, you never really know and because of that, because of that hope and uncertainty, there's drama.

Oh sweet sweet baseball drama.  How I've missed you.

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